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Expand InHand Continuing Education

About Expand Inhand

Expand InHand PODs:

Our Concept

Why the word POD? It’s simple really, for three peas in a pod. We were looking for a way for people to really learn.  We have been to so many courses over our careers and have experienced so many different teachers. But all courses seem to be missing one thing; the trial in your own hands. To truly learn something, you have to study it, you have to apply it and find the resonance in your own style and abilities, and you have to be able to discuss it with peers to cement it into your practice. Three parts to learning; three peas that sit in the greater POD.

Our PODs are a continuing education program that has participants attending three distinct learning sessions. This is a unique way to touch on the concept of the topic multiple times, therefore giving the participant the opportunity to go home after each session to practice the techniques discussed in their own practices. If questions arise, they can be addressed during the POD sessions and also in a private Facebook page where cases can also in a private Facebook Group for participants and lecturers. The sessions are called “the study”, “the application” and “the discussion”.

Here, participants will partake in an intensive, full-day presentation on the chosen topic and hear from top-industry professionals, specially selected for their knowledge and passion. These dynamic presentations include classroom lectures, as well as arena and barn practical time to assess and palpate the horses. We have had unbelievable feedback from the study portion and with the extraordinary equine professionals that have partnered with us, the content has been sensational.

Our 2020? PODs are complete; we studied:

  • Movement Assessment with Dr Erin Thompson
  • Hind Limb Dysfunction with Dr Suzon Schaal
  • Head, Neck and Poll Dysfunction with Dr Sarah Pedersen
  • SI and Back Dysfunction with Dr Chad Hewlett
  • Forelimb, Shoulder and Thoracic Sling with Dr Shawn Mattson

What an incredible season, we can’t thank our presenters enough!

Have you ever gone to a course, enjoyed the presentation, loved the concepts and found that nothing in your practice changed? This is why the POD concept is so much different than any other course you have taken. The application is the time where the topic is worked with specifically on how it applies to your business. This application is a half-day presentation by Tina Watkins to further expand on the topic, talk in-depth about applying it to the client’s horse and go over any questions participants have in the time frame between the study and the application. Afterwards, our goal is to have participants armed with how to use the topic as a tool in their wellness tool kit.

This is an evening roundtable talk between all participants, Tina Watkins and Kim Krebs, where any pros and cons of moves presented, or concepts learned are discussed and explained further, or insight given on how the horses’ responded. It’s also a way for people to network with other professionals and expand their teams to grow their business. The discussion will help participants to determine what is working and why, and what is not working for them and how to implement and improve the concepts by looking at things from a different perspective.

The idea is to hold the three sections to each POD approximately 2 weeks apart; which will give participants the ability to go back to their practices and utilize the techniques and theories discussed. As so much information is being given during courses,
it can be somewhat overwhelming to fully absorb the information. This concept is meant to allow participants the opportunity to feel confident that they have a complete understanding and an in-depth knowledge of the topic being discussed. For those lucky enough to attend a POD in person, a private facebook group is set up, where participants can post up to 10 case studies, receive feedback and develop their eye. For those who purchase an online POD, one case study can be posted for full assessment and feedback.

Participant feedback on the program has been amazing and we’re excited about the next PODs we have arranged. Join us for this innovative education!! Our unique POD concept has revolutionized the advanced learning for those already working in the equine industry. Available to owners? and all those working with horses, veterinarians, farriers, bodyworkers, saddle fitters, trainers, grooms and veterinary technicians.


Here is just an example of some of the clinics Inhand Offers in the list below. Don’t see the topic you would like to book? Inhand does custom clinic packages upon request.