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Inhand Team Talk: Dr. Jenn Fowlie DVM, BSc, MSc – Suspensory Injury, The Hidden Culprit


Suspensory ligament injuries are common in the equine athlete, and they can present as complex and frustrating cases to deal with. This talk aims to present the steps involved in

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Inhand Team Talk: Front End Lameness & Neck Function With Dr. Blaine Bugg


The mechanics of the horses neckand shoulder are complex, with the added challange of rider weight, the girth or cinch, and the force created within locomotion its little wonder why

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Inhand Team Talk: Relationship Between Dental Maintenance, Health Function & Biomechanics of Your Horse – Featuring Allie Lait


Graduate of Texas Institute of Equine Dentistry and a life long horsewoman, Allie has a wealth of knowledge on the equine mouth and its effects on the horse as a

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Inhand Team Talk: Saddle Fitting & Potential Impact on Performance, Longevity & Soundness


Elevate your understanding of equine care and performance with Dr. Sarah Pedersen, a veterinarian with a wealth of expertise, including Veterinary Spinal Manipulative Therapy (VSMT) and Veterinary Medical Rehabilitation Therapy

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